Depth-First Search
Depth first search is a traversal algorithm for Graphs. In DFS, edges are explored until we hit a dead-end where we can go to an unvisited vertice and we backtrack until the last decision point after that. Here is pseudocode for DSF:
DFS runs in $O(n_s+m_s)$ time where $n_s$ and $m_s$ are the number of vertices and edges reachable from the start vertice $s$, respectively. However, for this to hold, two conditions must be satisfied:
- We must be able to access the outgoing edges of a vertice in at least $O(deg(v))$ time.
- We must be able to mark a vertice as visited in $O(1)$ time.
IMPORTANT: When running DFS, you are not guaranteed to find the shortest path between two nodes, you can only check whether there is a path.