Dijkstra's Algorithm
Dijkstra’s algorithm uses a Greedy Method design pattern to find the shortest path from a start vertice $s$ to an end vertice $e$ in a directed and weigthed graph. If the graph weren’t weighted, we could simply use Breadth First Search.
In Dijkstra’ algorithm, a Cluster of vertices, $C$, a Priority Queue (pq) and a map of $V \to distance$ (D) is used. In the start, each vertice is assigned a distance of $\infty$ except the start node, which is given a distance of $0$. The nodes are saved to pq using their distances as keys. Afterwards, the following algorithm is ran:
Dijkstra runs in $O((n+m)logn)$ time or $O(n^2logn)$ time. Where n is the number of nodes and m is the number of edges.