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String Concatantion in Java

Last updated Nov 16, 2021 Edit Source

…strings in Java are immutable objects. Once created, an instance cannot be modified. The command, answer += c, is shorthand for answer = (answer + c). This command does not cause a new character to be added to the existing String instance; instead it produces a new String with the desired sequence of characters, and then it reassigns the variable, answer, to refer to that new string. In terms of efficiency, the problem with this interpretation is that the creation of a new string as a result of a concatenation, requires time that is proportional to the length of the resulting string…

(Data Structures and Algorithms, Michael Goodrich (Page 172))

So, this means that any operation involving string concatanation run in O(n) time (see Big-Oh Notation), n being the length of the string.

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